I Forgot About That

I have finished a project. A big project. I have assembled binders by year containing my favorite photographs I took during our Annual Family Gatherings since 2004. This summer I will spread them out on my big family room table and hope that curious eyes will take the time to …

Mortality: Black and White

Running Ahead and Looking Back I used to think that mortality would go on and on. The starting place was clear but the finish line could not be imagined. I thought that I would always remember things. I could not imagine that things would change as much as they have. …

Mortality: Exploring Our Own Backyard

Several Unexpected Things Before Bedtime The Old Sinclair Station in Elberta, Utah at the crossroads December 2020.   This is the old Sinclair Station at the crossroads in small-town Elberta, Utah. Someone has recently adopted the old building and fixed it up. Grass has been planted and a fence built. …

BOOK LIST: Mine-Not-Theirs in No Particular Order. Part Five.

Literature and Illustration for Children and Adolescents Elsewhere on this blog is a post about my Children’s Book Collection. This post will select several books from that collection which are my favorites. I often read adolescent literature in between more difficult-to-read-and-remember books. Since I don’t have children at home any …

Photo Stories: Powerful Contrasts

Mortality is about contrasts. We are here to experience them.  I love powerful contrasts. Light and shadow. Fast and slow. Up and down. Happy and Sad. Well, maybe not “sad”. Andrew’s mother remembered the bags of birdseed. She had been to the park before. I’ll bet you can hear the …

Photo Stories: The Culture of Our Homes

Every HOME has it’s own personality. Each is shaped by the combined personalities of the Father and Mother and later by the contributions made by the children. Everyone who has ever had a child knows that children come to earth with a bundle of characteristics for which parents can take …

Nothing is Ordinary

Dear Grandchildren: I have embarked on a journey through all of the photographs I have taken of you over many, many years. I am determined to give each of you the photo stories that touch my heart every time I see them. Even without a word of explanation, the photos …

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