journal entry:
It is easy to see why children love to dress-up. It is a chance to pull the faces their mothers tell them not to pull and to look really scary and tough. I wonder what these cousins will think when they are grown and look back at these photographs? I am sure their children will ask them what in the world they have in their hands.
I know that there will be comments about this PIG HAT. It snuggles right down on your head. I knew it was a prize when I found it. As expected, this sweet actress is very skilled at bringing BLING . . . into the Pig Pen !
Wow ! This little group did a great job of choosing their clothes and their background . . right down to the fluffy alligator.
Clowns . . . all.
Mothers and Daughters.
Mothers have to be really, really, really good sports.
This one is.
How many times do you think we will see this pink boa in our photographs?
She is almost like the gnome who travels the world and shows up in the most unexpected places.
I am still very much in love with Picasa, although I have been informed that it is being replaced by an equally lovely Google product. I do love the Comic Book edit which puts little dots on the photo just like early comic book illustrations.
Have to say that this actress appears to have endless personalities.
Sometimes the dress-ups are just a little of this and almost nothing of that but he’s still thinking.
( Looks like I missed a tag.)
All of the bracelets came from Savers.
They were each $1.99, reduced by a 30% senior discount. Yes, there are occasionally advantages to being older. When it was time for everyone to go home . . . I think that about half of the bracelets went too.
These toy guitars must not have worked out very well at Christmastime. I found them to be on thrift store shelves in every size and color. They were almost a dime a dozen which means cheap. What were once noisy instruments were today, blessedly, quiet guitars but they still appealed to the rock stars in the crowd.
“Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moments.”