Life is Made of the Tiniest Moments

I had not had occasion to use my camera for awhile. I plopped into the chair and put it in my lap. Off came the lens cap while I waited, listened, watched, clapped, and said “Ooooooh”

Maya has a routine when she comes to play.

The first thing she does is go to the rack of dress-up clothes I have in the little playroom to see if there is anything new. As she tries on each dress, she lets out a shriek and says “Grandma . . . this is SO cute.” Her dress-up patience is endless. Her patience can be endless because my love of thrifting the dress-ups is endless.

( I have a inexpensive full-length mirror behind the door. )

I also have a love for those little baby dolls that look a little too real. They are not as easy to find as the dress-ups but I have accumulated enough to have a tiny nursery, complete with preemie-size onesies for them to wear. I have the most adorable dark-skinned baby boy who isn’t dressed yet and when I told her that I had found a little boy with little boy parts . . . she corrected me with the right word I should have used to describe those parts. “Oh, you’re right”, I said. (She has no brothers . . . just a sister.)

How was I to know what her mommy had taught her ?

Maya’s hair is not just ordinary hair.

It is now short hair, thanks to her little friend. It used to be Elsa hair flowing all of the way down her back. After the trauma of that horrible event (mostly horrible for Maya’s tearful mother) it is growing out beautifully. In fact, what was straight hair is now wavy and curly hair and looks very chic. That is why, in this little moment of time, I mention her hair.

Maya has adopted all of the animal pull-toys.

Today she decided to be an “animal-walker” and brought them outside by their strings. Of course the strings became greatly tangled and the worlds best de-tangler (a mother) set to work. Maya’s goal was to give them some fresh air and teach them to do tricks. Okay. Great.

But, first she had to change her clothes. Again.

Wearing an animal-training dress ( Hello Kitty ) she patiently taught this reluctant alligator to stand on his hind legs and spin around. He did it more than once. Her mother and I thought about the fact that alligators really do spin around when they get you into the water but we decided to leave that one alone since real alligators don’t live in our lakes or swimming pools.

Grandpa mumbled something about the movie he had seen where the alligator lived in the sewer . . . well you know the rest . . . but we talked over that one and she didn’t really hear enough to run looking in the toilet bowl. ( A little boy would have done that immediately.)

Frankly, I was impressed.

Do it again we all said to her. She beamed as the alligator did more tricks. Once we had to tell her to quit swinging it around her head because . . and it only had to clunk once and her alligator did all of his tricks on the ground.

When it was time to go, she earnestly tried to get her Grandpa to plead with her mother for a little more time.

Maya can be very earnest.

Through her sunburned face and swimming-lesson eyes, she came up with a pretty good argument. It didn’t result in much additional time, but it did produce a coconut fruit bar out of the freezer.

I am always amazed how many wonderful things can happen

in a very small moment in time.




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