Gathered Together: I Can’t Find My Shoes 2020

I couldn’t resist including the most often uttered phrase during the week of the Family Gathering. The younger the child, the more likely he or she was to repeat it.  I CAN’T FIND MY SHOES. Even though I put a laundry basket by the back door, flip-flops ended up in …

MORTALITY: Taking Time to Play

  MORTALITY is the name of a series of photographs which I am making into books. I am determined that the images I love containing my family will not live and die in my computer. This particular morning was wonderful. It was beautiful and cool. These cousins, Maya and Olive, …

No End in Sight to Dress-Up Fun

The record isn’t complete without a few more dress-up moments.     Lydia, Lydia.     “Oh, wouldn’t the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at ?” -W.S. Gilbert- (I know some parents who would have grumbled if their children’s teeth had been knocked out.)   …

What Can We Do At Grandma’s House ?

journal entry: Most of us remember childhood fun with our cousins. Some memories are brighter than others and some are better embellished or forgotten. They are generally memories of parties with family, big and small, birthday cakes, games, running, sleeping out and playing in water. Adults rarely joined in but sat in summer …

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