Still More Dress-Ups and Funky Stuff

After the photo booth experience, I am afraid that there are several headless snakes slithering around the yard. Other snakes were likely shot right through with “plunger arrows”. This young lady has never seen a dinosaur in person. Ouch. I do love her “grandma kitchen smock”. It makes her look …

A Pirate’s Life For Me

I put the pirate costumes into Ziploc bags and waited for the gathering. Nothing needed explaining, for when each child opened his or her bag the game was clear and there were only squeals of delight and a scramble to get dressed. They knew all about PIRATES ! Each pirate …

More Dress-Ups and Photo Booth Fun 2018

Be anything you want to be. These girls have their own version of the new Sonic girls. Oh, I love this background ! They were very attracted to it and used it in many shots. In a world of mixing and matching prints and colors, there was no end to …

Dress-Ups and the Photo Booth 2018

(Quirky Quincy) Changing The Photo Booth From Year-to-Year Each year my grandchildren tell me that they love to dress-up for photos. Each year I prepare something different and thrift different clothes and props. The first year it was rather bland as I look back. I was still learning what I …

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