What Can We Do At Grandma’s House ?

journal entry: Most of us remember childhood fun with our cousins. Some memories are brighter than others and some are better embellished or forgotten. They are generally memories of parties with family, big and small, birthday cakes, games, running, sleeping out and playing in water. Adults rarely joined in but sat in summer …

Harvest Lessons Once Again

  journal entry: I have long had a favorite poem. It is titled Red Geraniums by Martha Haskell Clark. In its three verses is found a precious reminder. That reminder is to be thankful for everything, learn to enjoy simple things and see the spiritual in whatever comes.  Watching my family harvesting potatoes …

Dress-Ups for the Photo Booth

  CLOTHES MAKE A STATEMENT. COSTUMES TELL A STORY. journal entry: Our family gathering is over for this year but the dress-up fun remains in photographs. Thrifted over many months, everything was goofy, bright and funky. Our grandchildren spent hours choosing their clothes, embellishing, prancing around and looking in the mirror. If you want to see unexpected personalities  give …

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