Piranha Quilt for Chomping

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The scariest of fish. But, wait.

These Piranha don’t have sharp teeth.

They can’t bite anything. They can only TRY to look scary.

This is Alexander Henry quilting fabric from Broadbent’s. I puffed up the little creatures with some extra stuffing and hand-quilted around them with medium-sized stitches. I added the stripes at the top and the bottom. I attached the backing to the quilt by using small pom pom yarn. The best part about the yarn was that I had purchased it at a discount store for one dollar. The colors found in the yarn were all different but were all in the color family of the quilt.

On the front, the quilt has lots of puffy balls. On the back, it looks just like a tied quilt. The only difference between a traditionally tied quilt and this quilt is that the yarn is tied on the back instead of the front. The little pom poms give restless fingers something to touch. I’ll be using pom pom yarn again. It was really fun !

This quilt goes in the Christmas pile.

I know a little boy who loves Piranhas.

At least he loves the “idea” of Piranhas.


“It has always been my private conviction that any man

who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.”

-John Steinbeck-


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