Baked Apples and Grateful Hearts

“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.

No Americans have been more impoverished that those who, nevertheless,

set aside a day of Thanksgiving.”

-H. Westermayer-

journal entry:

With grateful hearts we celebrated Thanksgiving.  It was 20 degrees outside but we were warm.  We had food to eat and clothes to wear.  We had the company of those we love the most . . . our family.  Grandpa built a fire on the deck, in the fire pit, just outside of the kitchen window.  We ate a special french toast with cream cheese, baked apples, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit and juice.  We were full.  We sat around the table.  The children watched The Snowman.  When the table was cleared, the children made paper turkeys with googly eyes.

Baked apples are from the past.  People don’t make them much anymore.  We ate them for breakfast and took some to the neighbors.  Hot.  With  squiggles of whipping cream on top which melted quickly on the warm apples.  They were good.  In the newspaper this morning was  George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.  It was  reminder to express gratitude for all that we have. He thanked God first . . . and so do I.


12 medium size Gala apples

1 cup sugar

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon ground nutmeg

1 square of butter

1 cup of apple juice


Core the apples without poking the knife through the bottom

Use a potato peeler to peel off the top one third of the peel

Place the apples in a baking dish

Mix together the sugar and spices and spoon into the apples

Top each apple with a thin pat of butter

Pour the apple juice over the apples

Cover the apples with foil

Bake at 325 degrees for one hour and 10 minutes

Cool five minutes

Top with whipping cream

“We can only say to be alive in those moments when our hearts our conscious of our treasures.”

-Thornton Wilder-

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