Frog Planter Pincushion


quilts cards frog for atg7




” In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

– Coco Chanel –



This little froggy is the size of a large salad plate. He was born to be a planter but his destiny appears to be that of a pin cushion.

He sits very quietly next to my sewing machine and does not hop around.

Froggy, as a pin cushion, was the perfect use for a scrap of beautiful chenille that I had been saving. The chenille came from The Quilt Cottage in American Fork which is now closed. It was the most wonderful chenille that I still have ever seen. It still had pencil lines on the fabric where it had been marked and created by hand. I bought a little of each color: cream, brown and dark red.




I made a circle and filled it with poly pellets using a funnel.

I closed the round bag and pushed it into the froggy’s back.

It made a nice, puffy place to put pins.

Old fashioned things just feel nice.  











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