Funky Stuff Primary Colors Quilt

” Nothing is so fatiguing as

the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”

-William James-

quilts cards frog for atg4

This funky quilt needed a funky label.

This illustration by the wonderful illustrator Yaniv was perfect.

I have several Yaniv illustrations saved on my computer in Picasa. They are such happy and interesting illustrations and most are made out of itsy bitsy paper scraps . . . much like a mosaic. I added the text and printed the labels on an ink jet computer fabric sheet. I prefer to sew the labels onto the quilt rather than iron them on. It was easy to sew the label on three sides, stuff it and finish up the end.


My sewing machine is a 20 year old Singer. I quilted the front and back together by sewing long, wavy lines from the top to the bottom. I started in the middle and worked left to right. I seem to be able to keep the fabric smoother that way. I added the binding by hand, using a wide blanket stitch.

quilts cards frog for atg5

Primary colors are always so invigorating. They are happy colors. This quilt consists of one-third yards of four different fabrics on the top. The back  is one and one third yards of the same fabric and the binding is different that all the rest.


In between more difficult and time-consuming projects it is often wise to do something that is less complicated and easy to complete. I agree with Mr. James that nothing is more annoying than a project that never ends.


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