Goat Heads

A Quick and Simple Post With a Lesson

This is Tucker.
Tucker is showing you his flip-flop.
Can you guess where Tucker has been?
Yes. That’s Right. He has been feeding the horses at Grandma’s house.
What are those little things in his shoe?
They are Goat Head Stickers.
But, they don’t look like goat heads.
True. But they are called that nevertheless.
Are they found in Grandma’s yard?
Only in some places in Grandpa’s orchard.
What is Tucker going to do?
He is going to pick out every sticker and put them in a bucket.
Does he need any help?
No. He likes to pick them out.
No, he doesn’t.
Yes. He does.
Why are you showing us this picture and telling us this story?
You can figure that one out.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

(That means OUCH in Goat language.)

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