Thrifted Treasure

Not everything I find in a thrift store is a treasure.
Most things are just interesting things that someone else has grown tired of looking at and I have found to be just the thing for me to look at until I am tired of looking at the thing and I pass it along to someone else.
That is the beauty and economy of thrifting as a way of decorating with your moods.
Yesterday, I was slowing walking around.
I had nothing in particular in mind and I hadn’t been in a thrift store for a while and I was very relaxed about it all.
Then something caught my eye and that is always the way it happens. It wasn’t something in front or prominently displayed. I had to reach around and under something else but I did and I was careful.

Here I found a most beautiful and delicate lamp.
It was softly painted in pastel colors except for the candy-apple-red shoes. I turned it around and around and over and under and fully expected to see something chipped or broken, but not so.
This old-fashioned-looking girl had her nose and fingers and her bunny had its ears.
I have never, even once, bought something because I thought it might be valuable. I buy things that I would like to look at or use and things which will match with all of the unmatched things I like to put around my house as if I lived in a second-hand store, not as if I just visited one now and then.
This sweetheart is on the mantle of the little fireplace which is across from my desk in my little office. It’s shade is reflected in my old mirror and I find it to be a perfect accent light.
How could anyone get tired of it?
It was $7. 
( I just found this lamp on Yankee Sturbridge for $110. Yes.)


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