Gathered Together: Talents 2020

Grandpa said he had only one request. He wanted an unplanned talent show. So, the parents herded their offspring into our little parlor where the piano lives and, starting with Tucker, each child made a contribution.   Clara plays the piano, sings with a beautiful voice and today tunes a …

Photo Stories: Body Language

Giving and Receiving Comfort We all notice body language whether it is obvious to us or not. Sometimes it whispers and sometimes it shouts. The position of our bodies including our posture gives away our feelings, worries, fears, excitements, sadness and joys without any necessity of opening our mouths or …

More Un-Ordinary Things

Hey, kids: You are the kids who know about “unusual things before breakfast” but I, too, have looked for such things all of my life. Most of the time things that appear on the surface to be ordinary, are in fact not. Here are a few more examples of not-so-ordinary …

Nothing is Ordinary

Dear Grandchildren: I have embarked on a journey through all of the photographs I have taken of you over many, many years. I am determined to give each of you the photo stories that touch my heart every time I see them. Even without a word of explanation, the photos …

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