Up-Cycled Curtains for the Playroom


I told Grandpa that the new word around town was “up-cycle”. He wondered if it was some sort of bike. No. I guess it is classier than “re-cycle”.

He wondered if there was any difference in what you did with things or how or when if you called it by another name.

No, I said. Everything is the same except the word.

Oh. He left it at that.

So. I “up-cycled” something really fun and useful. I found this full-sized duvet cover at the thrift store Savers. As you can see from the price tag, I paid $4.99 for it. That meant that I got two BIG pieces of delightful fabric which yielded yards and yards of a fabric I knew I couldn’t buy in a store anywhere around me.

I brought it home and washed it and carefully cut off the seams all of the way around so that I had two large flat pieces of fabric to work with. Then I measured the window in the playroom where little people I know spend hours.

The patterns were very straight and I found that I could get three complete panels of circus images if I added fabric to the top and the bottom so that I didn’t have to lose any of the pattern. I bought a fabric with several of the colors in the curtain fabric and made casings on the tops of the curtains and a wide strip for the hem on the bottoms of the curtains.



I think curtains are very easy to make but I do know that you have to be patient and measure carefully so that each panel is the same size and is hemmed in the same place.


Here are the finished curtains. They are on a tension rod. ($5.) Fabric costs . . .( about $7) and I still have a big piece of the fabric left for another project.

Up-cycle or re-cycle.

 Call it what you will . . .

It is a perfect way to make “something out of something else” and LOVE it !



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