“What Would You Do If It Happened to You?”
That is the question I wanted answered.
I also wanted to have fun with little, original poems.
- I began by collecting images of funny animals from all over the Internet.
- I saved the images to Picasa.
- I wrote my little poems below each image where it says “caption”.
- I cropped the images to a square. (Choose the CD Cover cropping option)
- I pushed print.
- Options appeared on the left.
- I chose the “border width” option which I moved all the way to the right.
- I chose a font and a font size and printed each page on my printer on 8 1/2 x 11 photo paper.
- I trimmed the paper to 8×8 so that I could use some clear sheet protectors which I already had.
This project was very satisfying. I had so much fun making up the poems and asking the questions.
I put the pages back to back with a few pieces of double-sided tape and slid them into the protectors
Then, I made the covers using the images I had collected and adding text in Picasa.
Every cover is different as are the books.
If the children share or trade, each book is unique.
I tested.
I sat down with little children and read the pages.
When I asked them “what would you do if it happened to you?”
Their answers were as wacky
as I had hoped they would be!
I put them together as you can see.
” Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves,
and it is tiresome for children
to be always and forever explaining things to them.”
-Antoine Exupery-
I love these books! They are amazing. This is something you should consider publishing.