Photo Stories: Powerful Contrasts

Mortality is about contrasts. We are here to experience them.  I love powerful contrasts. Light and shadow. Fast and slow. Up and down. Happy and Sad. Well, maybe not “sad”. Andrew’s mother remembered the bags of birdseed. She had been to the park before. I’ll bet you can hear the …

Photo Stories: Body Language

Giving and Receiving Comfort We all notice body language whether it is obvious to us or not. Sometimes it whispers and sometimes it shouts. The position of our bodies including our posture gives away our feelings, worries, fears, excitements, sadness and joys without any necessity of opening our mouths or …

Photo Stories: The Culture of Our Homes

Every HOME has it’s own personality. Each is shaped by the combined personalities of the Father and Mother and later by the contributions made by the children. Everyone who has ever had a child knows that children come to earth with a bundle of characteristics for which parents can take …

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